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张晓伟 教授

1. 个人简介:

张晓伟,教授,博士生导师,生物化学与分子生物学系副主任,全国高等学校医学专业研究生国家级规划教材评审委员会委员,北京市生物化学与分子生物学会理事,《生理科学进展》常务编委。主要研究方向为细胞衰老和肿瘤发生的分子机制及应用研究,在衰老和肿瘤研究方面有重要发现,研究成果分别在Mol Cell Biol., J Biol Chem., Oncogene、Nucleic Acids Res.等国际期刊发表。作为子课题负责人,参加国家重大研究计划973项目一项;作为课题负责人,主持国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等多项课题,以主要完成人获教育部自然科学奖一等奖。参加8部统编教材的编写,担任研究生规划教材《医学分子生物学》(第三版)主编,五年制规划教材《生物化学》(英文版)主编,医学速览系列《生物化学》主译。

2. 研究方向与领域:



3. 实验室成员:





4. 主要代表作:


Xue J, Cao Z, Cheng Y, Wang J, Liu Y, Yang R, Li H, Jiang W, Li G, Zhao W, Zhang X*. Acetylation of alpha-fetoprotein promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression. Cancer Lett., 2020, 471:12-26.

②Cao Z, Xue J, Cheng Y, Wang J, Liu Y, Li H, Jiang W, Li G,Gui Y, Zhang X*.MDM2 promotes genome instability by ubiquitinating the transcription factor HBP1. Oncogene, 2019, 38(24):4835-4855.

③Wang S, Cao Z, Xue J, Li H, Jiang W, Li G, Zhang X*. A positive feedback loop between Pim-1 kinase and HBP1 transcription factor contributes to hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence and apoptosis. J Biol Chem., 2017, 292(20): 8207–8222.

④Chen Y, Pan K, Wang P, Cao Z, Wang W, Wang S, Hu N, Xue J, Li H, Jiang W, Li G, Zhang X*. HBP1-mediated regulation of p21 through Mdm2/p53 and TCF4/EZH2 pathways and its impact on cell senescence and tumorigenesis. J Biol Chem., 2016, 291(24): 12688–12705.

⑤WangW, Chen Y, Wang S, Hu N, Cao Z, Wang W, Tong T,Zhang X*. PIASxα ligase enhances SUMO1 modification of PTENprotein as a SUMO E3 ligase. J Biol Chem., 2014, 289(6):3217-3230.

Pan K, Chen Y, Roth M, Wang W, Wang S, Yee AS, Zhang X*.HBP1-mediated transcriptional regulation of DNA methyltransferase 1 and its impact on cell senescence.Mol Cell Biol., 2013, 33(5):887-903.

⑦Wang W, Pan K, Chen Y, Huang C, Zhang X*. The acetylation of transcription factor HBP1 by p300/CBP enhances p16INK4A expression. Nucleic Acids Res., 2012, 40(3):981-995.

⑧Li H, Wang W, Liu X, Pauson EK., Yee AS, Zhang X*.Transcriptional factor HBP1 targets P16INK4A, upregulating its expression and consequently is involved in Ras-induced premature senescence.Oncogene, 2010, 29:5083-5094.

⑨Zhang X, Kim J, Ruthazer R, Pauson EK., Yee AS. The HBP1transcriptional repressor participates in Ras-induced premature senescence. Mol Cell Biol,2006,26(22):8252-8266.

⑩Zhang X, Chen Z, Chen Y, Tong T. Delivering antisense telomerase RNA by a hybrid adenovirus/adeno-associated virus significantly suppresses the malignant phenotype and enhances cell apoptosis of human breast cancer cells. Oncogene, 2003, 22: 2405-2416.


① 全国高等学校临床医学专业研究生规划教材《医学分子生物学》(第三版),主编:张晓伟,史岸冰,2020年,人民卫生出版社



5. 联系方式:



